Liquidity Provider Fees:
Liquidity providers earn a 0.25% fee on each trade proportional to their share in the pool.
Fee Transfer to the Pool (Not Less Than Dust BTC)
A portion of the transaction fee is transferred to the liquidity pool. This fee, which is not less than the dust BTC amount, compensates the liquidity providers for their participation and risk in the pool. This fee helps maintain the pool's operation and incentivizes liquidity provision.
Runes Dex Fees:
Runes DeX earns 0.25% fee on each transaction to the treasury.
Fee Transfer to the Treasury (Not Less Than Dust BTC)
Another portion of the transaction fee is directed to the RunesDeX treasury. This fee, also not less than the dust BTC amount, supports the maintenance and development of the RunesDeX platform, ensuring its sustainability and growth.
The total swap fees for Runes Dex are 0.5%.